Looking Far Away Professionally (2021)

This Looking far away method through the endurance training for the eyes, can promote qi and blood of the eyes going into the deeper level, so for the stubborn visual problems, the effect is rapid, but this requires practitioners full of energy, or the effect maybe counterproductive.


  1. Take off the glasses before practice, but you can also practice wearing glasses.
  2. If there is a big difference in eyesight between the two eyes, you can cover the eye with good eyesight when you practice looking far away, and only practice the eye with poor eyesight.
  3. Get ready for looking far away target. You can visit http://www.mingmu.net/en/download, print vision training chart and choose one of the Chinese characters as target , you also can write a letter by yourself or cut a word from the newspaper as target.
  4. Find the practice position, and stick the looking far away target on the opposite wall, make it right in front of the eyes when practice, and make it half blurry.
  5. Sitting upright, close the eyes slightly, relax the whole body, rest the mind for fifteen minutes.


1. Slowly open the eyes, look straight forward at the target, try your best not to blink the eyes , not move the eyeballs, when feel not easy to control, you can blink the eyes, then continue, totally keep on ten minutes.

3. Close the eyes, rest the mind for fifteen minutes.

4. Slowly open the eyes.


1. Every day just practice one time at a fixed time and place normally.

2. When the target is easy to see clear, please replace a new target or change into a longer distance.

3. If feel the eyes tired, you can close the eyes earlier.

4. Test vision regularly, refer to http://www.mingmu.net/en/download

5. It’s free for those who only want to protect their eyesight to take regular eyesight tests, they can record their other changes.

6. Please refer to shuzi mingmu looking far away method instructions.